m u s i c a n d m o r e f r o m t h e b a n k s o f
t h e l e g e n d a r y c u y a h o g a r i v e r i n c l e v e l a n d , o h i o u . s. a.
TOP LINKS Home About Handsome Recording at Handsome Contact Handsome Handsome Store ARTIST LINKS The Backdoor Men Terry Hartman Clifton Beat Inner Ring Conspiracy David Borucki & The Brown Shoe Revue Mark Bluhm Butterfield 8 Paul Nickels Owen Mason Alex Hanhauser Leroy Fail John Castrigano Dee Deprator Peter Laughner |
Butterfield 8
Butterfield 8 is the revolving musical collective of Jim Butterfield, who has a rich history on the Cleveland music scene, dating to the mid 1980s. Jim was the founder of Banana
Records, which launched in 1982 as a music distribution outlet for
musicians in Northeast Ohio.
From 1982 – 1990, Banana Records released
11 titles on the label, with
artists ranging from Butterfield’s own
projects (The Leisure Set, Butterfield 8) to local favorites such as
Lucky Pierre and Jinni Fontana.
After 1990, Butterfield concentrated on the
music publishing arm of the label (Mab Zab Music), providing publishing and
promotion avenues for Cleveland-area songwriters. However, pushing pencils and publishing the work of other songwriters was not all that was left in Jim's future! After a stint in The Clifton Beat circa 2019, the creative juices began to flow again and Jim began to write more of his signature, Beatle-esque, melodic pop tunes, elaborately arranged both vocally and musically, and in the summer of 2021 entered Handsome Studios to record "Luckiest Guy In The World," a fascinating collection of ten new songs. Since then, Jim has made two more albums in less than two years, including "Another Day in Paradise," released in December 2022, and most recently, "Broken People," released in October 2023. Bottom line: JIM IS BACK. All of his recent records, and well as the entire Banana catalog, are available at the Banana Records website here. You'll find Butterfield 8 on Bandcamp,too. Click here to visit the page. * * * * * All contents © Handsome Productions, 2021. May be used with permission. |