Handsome Productions Logo

m u s i c   a n d    m o r e    f r o m    t h e    b a n k s    o f 

t  h e    l e g e n d a r y   c u y a h o g a    r i v e r   i n    c l e v e l a n d ,    o h i o    u . s. a.



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The Backdoor Men

Terry Hartman

Clifton Beat

Inner Ring Conspiracy

David Borucki & The Brown Shoe Revue

Mark Bluhm

Paul Nickels

Owen Mason

Alex Hanhauser

Leroy Fail

Peter Laughner

John Castrigano

Dee  Deprator

Butterfield 8

Welcome to Handsome Productions

Current and key archival music from Northeast Ohio

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What's New at Handsome

"Little by Little"

Here's a newly recorded version of "Little by Little,"
composed by Dan Cook. This first appeared on
"Gray Day in Cleveland," an Inner Ring Conspiracy CD released in 2010

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Available now to Stream and in CD Format

One Hand Clapping Cover
Cover design by Brian Willse at Newbomb.

“O n e   H a n d   C l a p p i n g”

"One Hand Clapping," by Banana recording artist Paul Nickels, is now available for streaming on all services. The 14-song record is a follow-up to 2021's "With Friends Like These." Hard CD copies are now available here.

"This record is a tribute to my roots as a member of The Backdoor Men, the band I was privileged to drum for in the late 70s through 1987. That band included two great songwriters - Terry Hartman and Dan Cook - to whom I've dedicated it. Fully half the album was written by them, and it was a joy to revisit our "garage band" sound and finally get some of that band's classics recorded properly," says Nickels.  “They were great songs from the band’s ‘psychedelic pop’ era that unfortunately were never recorded properly, back in the days when it was hard to scrape together funds for a single, much less an album.”

Also featured are songs by Leroy Fail, a long-time associate of BDM co-founder Hartman. The two served together in the army during the Vietnam War and later traveled together as they “decompressed” from the experience. Fail, a dedicated surfer, recently released “Dora Lives,” a tribute to famed sixties surfer Robert Dora. Raised in Texas, he was the son of Leroy Fail Sr., a Texas country radio star. Special guests include Cleveland guitarist Jim Juhn and, singing harmony and lead vocals on "Boom Boom Boom," CLE fave Meganne Stepka.

Here's a video of the great Terry Hartman song, "Life," from one hand clapping.

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Additional Handsome Titles

With Friends Like These
Paul Nickels
Notes on a Cocktail Napkin
Terry Hartman and Peter Laughner
tornadoes album
Jump & Shout
Terry Hartman and the Tornadoes

Dora Lives
Leroy Fail
Live at the Red Horse Hollow
Terry Hartman and the Backdoor Men

The Roster of Handsome Artists & Friends

Owen Mason

Alex Hanhauser

Paul Nickels
Paul Nickels
Jim Butterfield
Butterfield 8

The Backdoor Men

Terry Hartman
Terry Hartman

Peter Laughner
Peter Laughner

Dave Borucki
Dave Borucki & and the Old Brown Shoe Revue

Mark Bluhm
Mark Bluhm

The Clifton Beat
The Clifton Beat

Inner Ring Conspiracy
Inner Ring Conspiracy

John Castrigano

Leroy Fail
Leroy Fail

Aunt Dee Deprator
Dee Deprator

And here's something completely different:

Covered Bridges of TF Keller
Covered Bridge Kodachrome Collection by Traugott F. Keller

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All contents © Handsome Productions, 2021. May be used with permission.